TheBrooksideTheatre,inassociationwithTime107.5FM,theRomfordRecorderandtheRomfordBusinessImprovement District, is on a quest to find the most talented performers in Havering. Could this be you?Startingthismonth,thetheatrewillbelaunchinganexcitingnewtalentcompetitionHAVERING’SGOTTALENTinwhichthewinnerwill take away a cash prize of £500.Theyarelookingfortalentedindividualsorgroups;Singers,Musicians,Dancers,Comedians,Magicians,Ventriloquists,Impressionists, Drag Artists, Novelty Acts; in fact anyone who believe that their talent could win them the cash prize.EveryotherWednesdayat7pm,from8thJulyfor10weeks,10actswillbebroadcastonthetheatre’sYouTubechannelwiththetoptwo votedforbythepublicbeingofferedtheopportunitytoperforminthelivefinalwhichwilltakeplaceattheBrooksideTheatrein Romford early 2021. The lucky finalists will be judged by a special guest panel performing in front of a live audience.GUIDELINES AND RULESWHO CAN ENTER:•ALL contestants MUST live in or around Havering area (including Redbridge and Barking & Dagenham).•All acts MUST be family friendly.•Acts MUST consist of no more than 10 (ten) people.•There are no age restrictions for contestants.HOW TO ENTER:•Submit a video filmed on a mobile device or previously recorded footage is also permissible.•Video submissions should be no longer than 10 minutes and no additional text or images should be added.•When filming, please consider your safety and the safety of all others, observing social distancing at all time.•UploadthevideousingDropbox,GoogleDrive,OneDriveoranyothercloudstorageprovideroruseafiletransferservicesuchas WeTransfer.•Emailthelinktotheuploadedvideotohgt@brooksidetheatre.comrememberingtoattachthecompletedapplicationform,which can be downloaded below.•Videosubmissionsmustbereceivednolaterthan7dayspriortoeachheat,closingdateforthefirstheatisWednesday1July2020 – last submission date Wednesday 4 November 2020.•IMPORTANT: Please make sure the Dropbox link is publicly available so the file can be downloaded.THE COMPETITION:•EveryotherWednesday,10(ten)actswillbebroadcastonthetheatre’sYouTubechannelwiththetoptwovotedforbythepublic being offered the opportunity to perform in the live final.•YouTube heats will commence on Wednesday 8 July 2020 and there will be a total of 10 (ten) heats on the following dates:HEAT DATESUBMISSION DEADLINEWednesday 8 July 2020Wednesday 6 July 2020Wednesday 22 July 2020Wednesday 20 July 2020Wednesday 5 August 2020Wednesday 3 July 2020Wednesday 19 August 2020Wednesday 17 August 2020Wednesday 2 September 2020Wednesday 31 August 2020Wednesday 16 September 2020Wednesday 14 September 2020Wednesday 30 September 2020Wednesday 28 September 2020Wednesday 14 October 2020Wednesday 12 October 2020Wednesday 28 October 2020Wednesday 26 October 2020Wednesday 11 November 2020Wednesday 9 November 2020•Successful entrants will be notified of the date of their YouTube heat via email.•The 2 (two) acts that win each heat will be notified via email.•The live final will be held at the Brookside Theatre in Romford early 2021 (date TBC).•The live final with be judged by a panel of guest judges. The judges’ decision is final.•The live final will be a ticketed event.•The Act awarded First Place will win the cash prize of £500.00.CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD THE APPLICATION FORM. (Right click and “Save link as” option)If you have any questions please email
The Brookside Theatre is a non-profit organisation and all events are staged to raise money for the Romford War Memorial Social Club.
TheBrooksideTheatre,inassociationwithTime107.5FM,the RomfordRecorderandtheRomfordBusinessImprovementDistrict,is onaquesttofindthemosttalentedperformersinHavering.Could this be you?Startingthismonth,thetheatrewillbelaunchinganexcitingnewtalent competitionHAVERING’SGOTTALENTinwhichthewinnerwilltakeawaya cash prize of £500.Theyarelookingfortalentedindividualsorgroups;Singers,Musicians, Dancers,Comedians,Magicians,Ventriloquists,Impressionists,Drag Artists,NoveltyActs;infactanyonewhobelievethattheirtalentcouldwin them the cash prize.EveryotherWednesdayat7pm,from8thJulyfor10weeks,10actswillbe broadcastonthetheatre’sYouTubechannelwiththetoptwovotedforby thepublicbeingofferedtheopportunitytoperforminthelivefinalwhich willtakeplaceattheBrooksideTheatreinRomfordearly2021.Thelucky finalistswillbejudgedbyaspecialguestpanelperforminginfrontofalive audience.GUIDELINES AND RULESWHO CAN ENTER:•ALLcontestantsMUSTliveinoraroundHaveringarea(including Redbridge and Barking & Dagenham).•All acts MUST be family friendly.•Acts MUST consist of no more than 10 (ten) people.•There are no age restrictions for contestants.HOW TO ENTER:•Submitavideofilmedonamobiledeviceorpreviouslyrecorded footage is also permissible.•Videosubmissionsshouldbenolongerthan10minutesandno additional text or images should be added.•Whenfilming,pleaseconsideryoursafetyandthesafetyofallothers, observing social distancing at all time.•UploadthevideousingDropbox,GoogleDrive,OneDriveoranyother cloud storage provider or use a file transfer service such as WeTransfer.•Emailthelinktotheuploadedvideotohgt@brooksidetheatre.comrememberingtoattachthecompletedapplicationform,whichcanbe downloaded below.•Videosubmissionsmustbereceivednolaterthan7dayspriortoeach heat,closingdateforthefirstheatisWednesday1July2020–last submission date Wednesday 4 November 2020.•IMPORTANT:PleasemakesuretheDropboxlinkispubliclyavailableso the file can be downloaded.THE COMPETITION:•EveryotherWednesday,10(ten)actswillbebroadcastonthetheatre’s YouTubechannelwiththetoptwovotedforbythepublicbeingoffered the opportunity to perform in the live final.•YouTubeheatswillcommenceonWednesday8July2020andtherewill be a total of 10 (ten) heats on the following dates:HEAT DATESUBMISSION DEADLINEWednesday 8 July 2020Wednesday 6 July 2020Wednesday 22 July 2020Wednesday 20 July 2020Wednesday 5 August 2020Wednesday 3 July 2020Wednesday 19 August 2020Wednesday 17 August 2020Wednesday 2 September 2020Wednesday 31 August 2020Wednesday 16 September 2020Wednesday 14 September 2020Wednesday 30 September 2020Wednesday 28 September 2020Wednesday 14 October 2020Wednesday 12 October 2020Wednesday 28 October 2020Wednesday 26 October 2020Wednesday 11 November 2020Wednesday 9 November 2020•SuccessfulentrantswillbenotifiedofthedateoftheirYouTubeheat via email.•The 2 (two) acts that win each heat will be notified via email.•ThelivefinalwillbeheldattheBrooksideTheatreinRomfordearly 2021 (date TBC).•Thelivefinalwithbejudgedbyapanelofguestjudges.Thejudges’ decision is final.•The live final will be a ticketed event.•The Act awarded First Place will win the cash prize of £500.00.CLICKHERETODOWNLOADTHEAPPLICATIONFORM.(Rightclickand “Save link as” option)If you have any questions please email
The Brookside Theatre is a non-profit organisation and all events are staged to raise moneyfor the Romford War Memorial Social Club.