© 2025 Brookside Theatre. All rights reserved. Registered Charity No. 1192173.
The Brookside Theatre is a non-profit organisation and all events are staged to raise money for the Romford War Memorial Social Club.
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Legal Notices This is the [website] of the Brookside Theatre. By using this website the [User] agrees to be bound by the "Terms and Conditions of Use" and if the User purchases any goods or services from the website agrees to be bound by the "Conditions of Sale" and any specific conditions set out. Website Compatibility We support the following platforms: Windows: Internet Explorer 8+, Chrome, Firefox, Opera Mac: Safari, Chrome, Firefox, Opera Disclaimer The Brookside Theatre is committed to the highest standard and quality of information and every attempt has been made to present up-to-date, accurate information. However the Brookside Theatre gives no warranty as to the accuracy of the information on this website and accepts no liability for any loss damage or inconvenience caused as a result of reliance on such information. Although the Brookside Theatre takes all reasonable measures to ensure that the information provided to it from third parties is accurate and not defamatory or offensive it cannot control the content or take responsibility for pages maintained by external providers or linked pages. Terms & Conditions of Use General In accessing information from this website the User agrees to be bound by these Terms and Conditions of Use as set out below. This website contains proprietary notices and copyright information, the terms of which the User agrees to observe and follow. Security The User assumes full responsibility for the protection of his computer system including computer hardware software and stored data on his computer system including hardware software and stored data of third parties who may access or be otherwise connected to the User's computer system. The User will assume the responsibility of ensuring that program or other data downloaded or otherwise received from this website are free from viruses, worms, Trojan horses or other items of a destructive nature. The Brookside Theatre will take reasonable steps to ensure that data transmitted electronically to the Brookside Theatre via the site or otherwise and stored by the Brookside Theatre is not accessed by unauthorised third parties in accordance with the requirements of the 2018 Data Protection Act. The User accepts the risk that data transmitted electronically to the Brookside Theatre via this website or otherwise may be intercepted before reaching the Brookside Theatre or accessed from the Brookside Theatre's data storage by third parties not authorised by the Brookside Theatre and may be exploited unlawfully by such unauthorised third parties. The Brookside Theatre makes no representations as to the security quality or propriety of any website which may be accessed through this website and accepts no liability for the content or for any loss or damage caused or alleged to have been caused by the use of or reliance on information contained in such websites or goods or services purchased there from. Connected websites accessed through this website are independent websites over which the Brookside Theatre does not exercise any control whether financial editorial or of any other kind and are not in any way endorsed by the Brookside Theatre. Data Protection The Brookside Theatre processes personal data in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the Data Protection Act 2018. For full details of how and why the Brookside Theatre processes personal data, please refer to our full privacy notice. Errors Information contained in this website may contain technical inaccuracies or typographical mistakes. Information may be changed or updated without notice and any queries relating to the information including queries as to its currency and accuracy should be addressed to the person or persons stipulated in the Specific Conditions on the appropriate pages relevant to the goods or services sought. Warranty and Liability All information made available from within this website is provided "as is" for information purposes only and without warranty of any kind either express or implied including but not limited to any warranties as to non-infringement of rights merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. View the Brookside Theatre’s Conditions of Sale. ‘User’ a Brookside Theatre Member, customer or visitor to the Brookside Theatre website; ‘Website’ the network location on the World Wide Web written in hypertext mark-up language (or other World Wide Web compatible language) format developed in accordance with these terms and conditions containing digital text, graphics, sound, and video which is the Customer’s proprietary site stored on a server and accessed via the Internet, being identified as ‘’.
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The Brookside Theatre is a non-profit organisation and all events are staged to raise money for the Romford War Memorial Social Club.
© 2022 Brookside Theatre. All rights reserved. Registered Charity No. 1192173.
Legal Notices This is the [website] of the Brookside Theatre. By using this website the [User] agrees to be bound by the "Terms and Conditions of Use" and if the User purchases any goods or services from the website agrees to be bound by the "Conditions of Sale" and any specific conditions set out. Website Compatibility We support the following platforms: Windows: Internet Explorer 8+, Chrome, Firefox, Opera Mac: Safari, Chrome, Firefox, Opera Disclaimer The Brookside Theatre is committed to the highest standard and quality of information and every attempt has been made to present up-to-date, accurate information. However the Brookside Theatre gives no warranty as to the accuracy of the information on this website and accepts no liability for any loss damage or inconvenience caused as a result of reliance on such information. Although the Brookside Theatre takes all reasonable measures to ensure that the information provided to it from third parties is accurate and not defamatory or offensive it cannot control the content or take responsibility for pages maintained by external providers or linked pages. Terms & Conditions of Use General In accessing information from this website the User agrees to be bound by these Terms and Conditions of Use as set out below. This website contains proprietary notices and copyright information, the terms of which the User agrees to observe and follow. Security The User assumes full responsibility for the protection of his computer system including computer hardware software and stored data on his computer system including hardware software and stored data of third parties who may access or be otherwise connected to the User's computer system. The User will assume the responsibility of ensuring that program or other data downloaded or otherwise received from this website are free from viruses, worms, Trojan horses or other items of a destructive nature. The Brookside Theatre will take reasonable steps to ensure that data transmitted electronically to the Brookside Theatre via the site or otherwise and stored by the Brookside Theatre is not accessed by unauthorised third parties in accordance with the requirements of the 2018 Data Protection Act. The User accepts the risk that data transmitted electronically to the Brookside Theatre via this website or otherwise may be intercepted before reaching the Brookside Theatre or accessed from the Brookside Theatre's data storage by third parties not authorised by the Brookside Theatre and may be exploited unlawfully by such unauthorised third parties. The Brookside Theatre makes no representations as to the security quality or propriety of any website which may be accessed through this website and accepts no liability for the content or for any loss or damage caused or alleged to have been caused by the use of or reliance on information contained in such websites or goods or services purchased there from. Connected websites accessed through this website are independent websites over which the Brookside Theatre does not exercise any control whether financial editorial or of any other kind and are not in any way endorsed by the Brookside Theatre. Data Protection The Brookside Theatre processes personal data in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the Data Protection Act 2018. For full details of how and why the Brookside Theatre processes personal data, please refer to our full privacy notice. Errors Information contained in this website may contain technical inaccuracies or typographical mistakes. Information may be changed or updated without notice and any queries relating to the information including queries as to its currency and accuracy should be addressed to the person or persons stipulated in the Specific Conditions on the appropriate pages relevant to the goods or services sought. Warranty and Liability All information made available from within this website is provided "as is" for information purposes only and without warranty of any kind either express or implied including but not limited to any warranties as to non- infringement of rights merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. View the Brookside Theatre’s Conditions of Sale. ‘User’ a Brookside Theatre Member, customer or visitor to the Brookside Theatre website; ‘Website’ the network location on the World Wide Web written in hypertext mark-up language (or other World Wide Web compatible language) format developed in accordance with these terms and conditions containing digital text, graphics, sound, and video which is the Customer’s proprietary site stored on a server and accessed via the Internet, being identified as ‘’.
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