Would you like to star in one of our forthcoming productions?WE WILL ROCK YOUAll lead / company roles, m/f performers aged 8yrs - 18yrs.Auditions will take place on Sat 25th & Tue 28th Feb 2025.Click here to download auditions information and email to reserve a space.Informationregardingfutureauditionswillbelistedonthispage;howeverifyouwouldliketoaddyourdetailstoour mailing list, please emailinfo@brooksidetheatre.com.
The Brookside Theatre is a non-profit organisation and all events are staged to raise money for the Romford War Memorial Social Club.
Wouldyouliketostarinoneofourforthcoming productions?WE WILL ROCK YOUAll lead / company roles, m/f performers aged 8yrs - 18yrs.Auditions will take place on Sat 25th & Tue 28th Feb 2025.Clickheretodownloadauditionsinformationandemailto reserve a space.Informationregardingfutureauditionswillbelistedonthis page;howeverifyouwouldliketoaddyourdetailstoour mailing list, please emailinfo@brooksidetheatre.com.
The Brookside Theatre is a non-profit organisation and all events are staged to raise moneyfor the Romford War Memorial Social Club.